They thought they were just friends, really. They had some much in common and just enjoyed time together. But then things changed: they went from being just friends to being friendlier. Three wonderful years of marriage later and their friendship is stronger than ever. Meet Michelle and Daniel:
Michelle and Daniel are also photographers so no need for posing 101 for these two =)
we spent the majority of our session exploring the popular strip in Dowtown Stuart
this is a fave =)
seriously, these two kids are so cute!
we saw this antique car drive by and wistfully mentioned how cool it would be to get a picture by it. when it drove by again, Michelle bravely flagged the driver down and asked if we could. His answer? "quickly!" so click click click and quickly we did. another fave:
and then we found the cutest house on planet earth and after Michelle and died a few times over its cuteness we captured it up.*
a little "dancing in the streets"
another fave
to end the day we skipped down to the beach
they're so sweet =)
we ended the lovely day with an equally lovely sunset
Thanks again Daniel and Michelle! Here's wishing you many more years of wedded bliss!
*note:pictures do not do its cuteness justice
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